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From Pain to Strength: Healing From Cancer with Aimee's Somatic Tools

Jen’s year has been unbelievably hard. I’m so impressed with her!

“Meeting Aimee was a serendipitous moment. We both joined an online group at the same time and she started talking about her work. I immediately reached out. I had torn my rotator cuff kayaking two years before and still had discomfort and did not have a full range of motion in my shoulder. I was beyond frustrated. I also have two crushed discs in my lumbar spine from an old injury. This created tightness and discomfort in my hips and back. I was in different levels of pain all of the time.

I scheduled a session; I needed to know what Hanna Somatics was! I was hooked halfway through the first session. I felt immediate relief in my shoulder, hips, and back. I joke that it's magic. And yes, the process is powerful, but Aimee's incredible wealth of knowledge on how to apply the movements changed my life. She is a Master at what she does. 

I had a couple of 1 on 1 sessions with her, and I felt more and more relief in my body every time. Aimee was in the process of launching Radiance, her group program, and I signed up immediately. I felt that having a container to dive deeper into Somatics and adding the food element was just what my body was asking for. Every session was filled with useful ,easy to incorporate knowledge. I was feeling better than I had in years. 

Toward the end of the Radiance program, I broke my arm in a freak accident with my dog, and it was discovered I had breast cancer. I spent two weeks in the hospital, and I only felt I had control over using my somatics tools to ease anxiety and gain motion in my broken arm.  So that's what I did! My doctors were amazed at how quickly I could move my arm. Multiple times a day, I did the movements Aimee taught me. I was amazed at how grounded and able to cope with everything I was.

I am forever grateful for Aimee and her work. She came into my life at the perfect time, and the somatic tools helped me physically and mentally handle the most difficult time of my life.

If you are wondering whether to work with Aimee, do it. The future you will be so grateful to the you right now who made such an incredible decision to improve your life.”

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