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From Chronic Pain to Radiance: How One Program Transformed My Body, Mind, and Life


“For years I have struggled with a low back injury that never full heals, and neck pain that I was often seeing a chiropractor for before joining the Radiance Program. 

After my first session with Aimee, I felt a sense of openness, relaxation, and flexibility that I had never really felt before in my body. 

During the Radiance program I began learning the somatic movements and started practicing on a much more consistent basis. As a result, I experienced better sleep, more physical stamina and mobility when exercising, and best of all a deeper sense of connection to my body, what it needs, and how to give it relief consistently.

What I didn't expect was the layers of emotional stuff that had been stored in those tight places in my body beginning to get released.

At first, it was a bit uncomfortable to feel the tight reins I had on certain emotional histories loosening, there was more to process, more to express, more to learn how to navigate, but as I continued with the practices I have felt so much more peace, more capacity to handle big emotional 'crises' in my life with wise responsiveness over triggered reactivity.”

In this 6 month program, it was just such a gift to have a regular checkpoint and accountability system available to me, to remind myself that I need to/get to check in with how I'm actually doing. That awareness helps me to keep cultivating practices, habits, and re-centering on my intentions to care for me so I can do the big work I want to do in the world. Big magic. 

I feel equipped to support my body any time I feel tension or pain, that I can use these tools for some immediate relief.

I have gotten back to a consistent and fulfilling workout routine, and have found that my body mechanics, stamina, and enthusiasm for exercising my body mindfully and with compassion has increased so much. 

Who do I think would benefit from this work?

All the yogis who think the stretch is the best thing - news flash, stretching is contraction. Mind blown.

All the folks who work at a desk and think the chair is the problem.

All the visionaries, artists, and creatives who are aching to actualize more of their potential but haven't yet moved the trauma and baggage that's stored in their fascia keeping them from realizing what they're capable of. 

Love you, Aimee. Thank you. So glad I did this.

This releasing and processing has made my relationships deeper, my self-compassion more readily available, and my life more spacious and fulfilling.

I can't stop telling people how powerful this set of tools is.

I wish I had found it years sooner. 

Aimee is an absolute boss and delivers so much value, information, compassion, and insight in a digestible, easy to receive, easy to follow way. 

After a movement session with Aimee I feel so relaxed, open, grounded, melty, spacious, and often ready for a deep rest. Worries melt away. My nervous system regulates.

Additionally, I am so grateful this program included so much information on nutrition and gut health. Even though I felt resistant to it at first, I have gone back to the information multiple times and it has altered the way I eat/prepare/digest food and my body is so grateful for it.

It’s been powerful to recenter on what my body needs and how to listen to and feed my gut the foods that will support my overall digestion, mental health, and bandwidth.


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