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Unlocking Strength Through Rest: Kimberly’s Journey from Chronic Pain to Muscle Harmony


Ever feel like your body/muscles just don't cooperate? Perhaps you're feeling tight, sore and like it takes a lot of effort to do basic everyday things.

Maybe you've hear that your muscles are weak and need to be strengthened. Maybe you even feel quite weak when you try to work out.

What if you're muscles were actually just disconnected and exhausted?

What if the answer wasn't to work harder, but to actually learn to lengthen, relax and give those spaces some proper rest and nourishment?

What Kimberly has been learning is not only turning the narrative of "being weak" on it's head, but actually giving her a sense of ease and cooperation of movement in her body for the first time.

Read on to hear about the life-changing shift she's been experiencing..

"I was connected to Aimee by a mutual friend and I was looking for help with chronic pain issues and breaking existing patterns.

Physical therapy made my issues worse. Chiropractic and massage was only a very temporary patch.

As a former nurse and now energy healer, working with consistent clients that have traumas, I knew that triggers were resurfacing and I needed a deeper modality.

During a session I feel: very relaxed and a renewed cooperation of muscle groups. I’ve also had emotional releases when working with stubborn areas.

Afterwards, I always feel an awakening and cohesion of my body systems.

I love that I can also do this on my own! The videos are so helpful.

The internal connection I feel is unexplainable! It needs to be felt to be understood.

My muscular-skeletal system feels on track to work with itself and no longer resists my activities.

What I’m learning with Aimee fits seamlessly into what I have already learned and practiced in my energy healing work. It’s another level that I didn’t know was available!

Aimee’s approach is kind, gentle, patient, very understanding with intuitive awareness of my needs. Her explanations are comprehendible and very on point.

Since beginning this work, I feel deep appreciation that I have been letting go of a limiting belief of “I am not strong”.

Aimee allowed the tuning in, strengthening my antennas to receive exactly what is needed.

I can move and trust my body to do what I need it to do!

Self love is returning on a new level."

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